Only a Dream Can Kill A Dream
36 x 25.5
Acrylic, watercolor, and drybrush on canvas, stretched over a handmade hardwood frame
I have a rule about painting. If I have an idea, I’ll let it sit for a few weeks. If I forget about it, or lose interest, I let it go. Sometimes, however, I get an idea that I absolutely cannot stop bouncing around my head, for better or worse.
This canvas was born from one of those ideas. John Carpenter’s “Big Trouble in Little China” is not everybody’s cup of tea, fine. But I love it. From its wild influences and disparate tones to the way it sends up the idea of American masculinity. . .it’s just way good, and I love it. This canvas plays with the iconography of Lo Pan, Jack Burton, and that six-armed demon statue in the big battle room. Also, there’s a watercolor overlay of the Pork Chop Express, because it’s equal parts awesome and ridiculous.